Preserving and improving Firs Farm for the benefit of present and future generations
Love your green space
Registered Charity 1177069
Love your green space

Preserving and improving Firs Farm for the benefit of present and future generations


We are raising funds throughout the year to support the work that the Friends do in and for Firs Farm Wetlands and public benefit. we are registered for gift aid with HMRC – see forms further down.

The trustees do not receive any remuneration for their work for the Charity, so you can be assured that 100% of your donation directly benefits Firs Farm Wetlands for public / wildlife benefit.

If you would like to make a donation to the Friends Charity, you can do so online via the following:

  • Online bacs:   Friends of Firs Farm  sort code 40 20 23  Acc no. 3210 0746
  • Charities Aid Foundation – click here (if you have an account or wish to register an account with the CAF)
  • On our facebook page
  • Scan the Sum Up QR code below

Gift aid forms for you to complete:- 

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Firs Farm_Charity_GAD_Multiple_Donations2020

Donations & Thanks

A big “Thank You” to everyone that has donated funds products / services or valuable time to the Firs Farm Friends projects.

Huge thanks to everyone supporting the Friends current project to add an Inclusive Community Café  to Firs Farm. Keep donating to this wonderful cause and together we can build it. Find out more here.  

Every bit helps towards making the much needed improvements to this once neglected Green Space making it a space for everyone to cherish.


Thames Water

For all the volunteering hours put into Firs Farm since 2014 and developing this wonderful green space into a place for everyone to enjoy.  See the video of just one of these days.

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To the following companies for their “Volunteers” help:

  SSE Utilities, Sony DADC UK Enfield,  Intertek, AMKJV,   Murphys,  Skanska, Taylor Woodrow, and many others.

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Malcolm from Keymakers  – (local master locksmith specialists )who provided special locks to secure tools & equipment used to improve our local green spaces.  707 – 711 Green Lanes N21 3RS

PrintTravis Perkins who donated permeable membrane for the start of the Nature Trail and help with keeping down equipment costs.



Sainsbury’s kindly donated £100 voucher to help towards clearing the litter found in Firs Farm.



Edmonton Rotary Club Edmonton

Edmonton Rotary Club have provided permeable membrane so we can continue our path through the woodland area and were excellent quiz masters!

£250 contribution to the Friends  in October 2015



Enfield Conservation Volunteers for their valuable time, shared knowledge and  expertise.



Resources - Lords Builders Merchants 2015-11-25 20-26-00

£300 worth of goods donation from Lords Building Supplies Bush Hill Park.





Christ Church Embassy who donated not only their time but some small garden toolkits so that we can continue to plant bulbs for the future




 London Borough of Enfield Bark, support & Capel Manor biodiversity training, bulbs for the spring & loan of tools used for tidying,  clearing & Improving Firs Farm. Also thanks to the Watercourse engineers and Parks for all their time and efforts  – listening to what residents want and in making it happen.



Warehouse Panels for the display panels we used during our Vote For Firs Farm Wetlands campaign.




Also a BIG Thank you To All Friends & Volunteers  (including those from other local Park Friends groups) who regularly turn up at our events to help improve Firs Farm. Their time and support is very much appreciated. Long may it continue.


Here are just some of the volunteers hard at work in Firs Farm.

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The Friends of Firs Farm really appreciate your help.

If you would like to make a donation please contact the friends  07956 537 974

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